Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our life on my phone

I recently updated the software on my Mac so I could FINALLY upload the pictures from my phone onto my computer. They date back only to May of 2011 but Chandler looks so little in them!  He was only 11 months old in the picture at the bottom.  It is so incredibly hard to believe I am actually starting to think about his second birthday party!  Anyways, here are some random and of course adorable moments in our lives since last May. 

Our first real bruiser care of the fireplace

He is sleeping in our other dog's bed...he does actually have one that he fits in!

Bought this bouncer for Cooper but Chandler decided he needed to play in it.

He knows how to climb the baby this picture, he finally realized after about 2 minutes of crying that he could see himself in the mirror

Exploring our little piece of property in Mertzon.

Imagine my surprise when this came out of our ice maker!  Interesting.  Random, I know.

Sitting in a feed bucket, petting a goat.

Grocery shopping

Our first little swimming pool...Chandler LOVED it!

Chandler's Mo (my mother) taught him (a condensed version of) patty cake when he was pretty young.  But, in this video, he is getting it confused with the itsy bitsy spider

I'll have to load more later!  There are some really cute pictures of Cooper but, being the second child, you know, his pictures will just have to wait for the time being. ;-) 


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