To this blog party?! As I visit some of the blogs of friends and other fantastic women whom I find encouragement in, I am seeing their archives dating back pretty far. Like 2008 far. Geez. 2008. In 2008 I met my husband. In 2008, I was somewhat financially irresponsible (post topic?). In 2008, I was certainly not the Christian I am today (post topic!). In 2008, I drank a good amount of beer (no post necessary). I was a very different, young, maturing girl. I have grown a lot and learned so much about myself and how I want to live life. I actually started to blog in August 2009. My first post was also my last and it was really one big rant about one issue. I’ll share that post on this blog someday because it is still something I am very passionate about. But, 2008 that was a long time ago… I’ll move on in order to quit thinking about how old (and wise?) I am getting. Anyways….
You know, I find myself driving, which I do a lot, thinking and praying, praying and thinking, and very often I wish I could get my thoughts out of my head and down on paper (or my Mac) and maybe even blog about some of them. And then I quickly doubt myself, “no one really cares about what's going on in your head, Ashley!” But I have finally come to the understanding that it doesn’t matter if anyone does care. My words might not mean a hill of beans to you. And that’s fine. They matter to me. My life is daily an opportunity for ME to grow and learn as a mother, wife, daughter, friend and most importantly, as a Christian. So perhaps if you can’t relate, I can, when I come back to one post or another as I go through life’s struggles. I can remember where I have been and focus on where I want to be. Maybe a private journal would be more appropriate? I don’t know. But I do know that I type faster than I write and I really wanted to start blogging so I could share more intimate, wonderful pictures and stories about our family. My posts might be about these random, lingering thoughts in my head or, probably more likely, about my beautiful babies and their adventures. I’m not really sure how I will use this blog yet. I think it’s one of those, ‘you won’t know until you do it kind of things”? I really want to start sharing, though, whatever it is I have to share.
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